Puisi Tentang Guru Dalam Bahasa Inggris

 Puisi tentang guru dalam bahasa Inggris yang ada dalam artikel ini bisa menjadi ungkapan terima kasih sobat Belajar bahasa inggris online atas jasa dan kerja jeras guru-guru yang mengajar di sekolah. Puisi tentang guru dalam bahasa inggris juga bisa menjadi sarana sobat BBIO untuk mengasah kemampuan berbahasa, terutama bahasa inggris.

Sudah sejak lama puisi menjadi salah satu bentuk ekspresi berbahasa yang populer. Mampu membaca dan memahami puisi bahasa Inggris akan membantu mengembangkan kemampuan bahasa Inggris sobat..

Guru sebagai tema sebuah puisi juga memiliki banyak sisi yang menarik. Sejarah mencatat, saat Jepang di bom atom di perang dunia kedua, sang kaisar langsung menanyakan kepada bawahannya.

“berapa orang guru yang masih selamat”

Hal itu menunjukan peran guru dalam masa sekarang. Sekarang sudah bukan jamannya perang dengan mengangkat senjata. Sekarang jamannya perang dengan ilmu. Dan guru adalah yang akan membantu kita memenangkan perang tersebut.

Puisi bahasa Inggris tentang guru bisa menjadi sarana sobat BBIO menghargai jasa para guru. Puisi tentang guru dalam bahasa inggris juga melatih kemampuan berbahasa inggis. Jadi selamat membaca dan belajar.

Berikut adalah kumpulan puisi tentang guru dalam bahasa inggris yang bisa sobat BBIO baca.

Kumpulan Puisi Tentang Guru Dalam Bahasa Inggris


My Teacher

My teacher, your heart is gold
your heart is diamond
your heart is full of love

My teacher, You teach me
you guide me
you love me
you look after me

My teacher, you give me knowledge
so i can walk confidently
you make me a winner, a champion
everithyng is because your hard work

My teacher, i will always remember your kindness to me
in my heart, and in my mind
I will always pray for you

My teacher, i will build a plane for you
i will build a skycreaper for you
i will cure people from the knoledge you give to me

your student, will never forget you


The Hero of Knowledge

I was empty glasses, nothing inside me
nothing I know

I have no point, I have no knowledge
don’t know were to go don’t know what to say
do not know what I will write
never know where i will move my feet

Until you come and fill me with dream
fill me with knowledge

show me that the world is round not flat
teach me why rain come from the sky

show me that I have a bright future
show me that I am special dan can be a president
can be a doctor, can be an enginering
can be a pilot, can be an artis

you say I can be anithyng I want, and you show me the way to get there

Thank you very much my teacher
thank you very much

only with knowledge we can be better
only with knowledge we can be a good human

you make what imposible to be very posible
you ghange ignorance to be samrtness

light up your candle, my teacher
keep light up this world
keep liht up your student
keep light up this country, Indonesia


Thank You my teacher

If the world was without sun
it will be dark and silent

there will be light, there will be life

and from that darkness, and point of hopeless i heard your voice
I am touched by your wisdom
i was loved by your kindness

My dark path, was now bright because your guidance

you are the lantern of knowledge
with eternal light that bright like the sun

my teacher
You are the heros without medal
never you hope someone to call you heros

when in our ignorance we fail you
you don’t give up, you don’t give up on us
you never give up to teach us

from you i learn alot of things
from your wisdom I learn about the black and white of this world

because your guidance i can write, i can draw
becauuse your help i know what to do

My teacher, not a words can explain your kindness
thank you, for all that you have been done for me
Thank You my teacher


a teacher

a teacher is a sun, that light the world everyday
every time, with its goldly ray

a teacher, is a mountain of wisdom
he has big patience, he teach us, and expecting nothing

A teacher is parent at school
he is our father that lokk after us at class
she is our mother that cheers us when we sad at school

everyday you give us knowledge
for my future

a teacher is the hero of this nation
a teacher free this nation from ignorance, and dullness

a teacher never ask medal
just want to see that the knoledge he give is usefull for this world
that the student he teach became a good man

a teacher, is everyone hero


My teacher, My Hero

I was knowing nothing
like a white paper I was empty

And then,
With patient you teach me
with love you guide me
with words you show me, that I can be better

you are my hero,
you are my guidance

my teacher, you show me the better part of me

The Heroes Without Medal

You are the heirs of Diponegoro
You are the heirs of Kartini

The war of gun has finished
The war of swords has finished

But you will always fight, for my future
you will always fight four your students future

Now is your war
The war with pen
the war with paper
the war with books

you teach me to read
you teach me to write
you teach me to create
so I create this poem for you

you lead me to be good
you guide me to be kind
to respect my parent
to love my friends

You are the ne heroes
The heroes without medal
You never ask medal
You are the hero of the future
the hero of this nation

You are my hero
the hero that set me free, from my ignorance
I have my knoledge because you teach me

My teachers, you are my heroes
The heroes wihout medal


Jangan lupa untuk belajar tenses bahasa inggris, present perfect tense.

Itu tadi adalah puisi tentang guru dalam bahasa inggris yang semoga akan membantu sobat untuk belajar bahasa inggris sekaligus lebih memahami pengorbanan seorang guru.
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